Boat Antifouling Paint in Auckland
The application of boat antifouling paint is the most frequent painting job carried out by boat owners and one of the most important that Gloss Boats Marine Spraying can perform for you. Once fouling has established a foothold on your boat’s hull, it will rapidly spread across the surface, causing increased fuel consumption, reduced cruising speeds and other problems. Prevention is preferable to the cure, which involves removing the fouling by manually scraping it off.
Key Benefits of Our Marine Antifouling Coatings
There are numerous critical reasons to keep a hull free from fouling, and at Gloss Boats Marine Spraying, we know to help you choose the most appropriate antifouling product for your vessel. The three important benefits of antifouling paint are safety, efficiency, and protection.
Heavy fouling reduces the boat’s responsiveness because the organisms’ added weight can make the hull sit lower in the water than designed. This has obvious safety implications in heavy weather conditions. The fouling also increases drag, which results in increased fuel consumption or lower sail efficiency and displaced centre of effort.
Antifouling paint protects your boat against marine growth on the hull. Prolonged growth of certain types of fouling will damage the substrate of the hull, especially wood and fibreglass. Fouling can also clog the water intake and cause damage to the engines.
Choose Gloss Boats Marine Spraying for the effective and lasting application of antifouling paint in NZ. We are based at Tamaki Marine Park in Auckland, where our facilities can accommodate most recreational and small commercial boats.

Try our all-inclusive antifoul package!
Take the hassle out of your boat’s antifoul slipping with our all-inclusive package. Simply fill in the form below and receive your quote within 48-hours. Everything is included. All quoted up front. Never has it been so easy to antifoul your boat.
Whats Included:

- Haulout and Return
- Waterblast and Environmental Levy
- Four Days Hardstand
- Antifoul Paint and Application
- Wash Down
- Management of All-Inclusive Work
- Add Ons
Our all-inclusive antifouling package includes the lift from the water on one of Tamaki Marine Park’s Roodberg Trailers as well as the return once the project is complete. The package is for boats up to 65 feet. If your boat is over 65 feet in overall length, then contact our team for a personalised quote.
Our team will waterblast your boat to remove excess debris and growth as best practice preparation for your antifoul application.
Our all-inclusive package includes four days of hardstand. If you have additional works which extend your time on the boatyard, we can quote this for you at the best rate. You can upgrade to our undercover work areas if needed.
Our package comes standard with International Ultra 2 or Micron Extra 2. If you require an alternative antifoul paint or would like some general advice on the best antifoul for your boat, contact our team who will be more than happy to help.
Application is either by Airless Sprayer or roller depending on the vessel and conditions, achieving a total wet film thickness of at least 250 microns
Once the boat is ready to return to water, our team will washdown your boat, so it looks a million dollars. Note there is a surcharge for flybridge vessels.
Once you have called to book your boat in for our all-inclusive antifouling package, you can sit back and relax. Our team will manage all the required works and get your back on the water on time and on budget.
Ask our team about the upgrade options:
- Transfer your boat to and from Tamaki Marine Park
- Undercover hardstand
- Propspeed
- Anodes
- Full detailing services
- Premium antifoul paints
- Engine servicing
- Electrical repairs and upgrades
- Plumbing and water maker repairs and upgrades
- Gelcoat & paint repairs/touch ups